What is 3D World of Fashion?
3D is at the heart of so many of the technological advancements happening today in the world of Fashion Architecture and design. Think of 3D as one of the highest orders tool for Innovation. 3D modeling like in Auto industry is adapting fast in Fashion and Architecture now you can generate photos, videos, and even interactive experiences from one 3D model. Virtual reality, augmented reality, animation, and gaming all require 3D models. And now, social media platforms like Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram all support 3D content besides prototyping of products. In order to capitalize on these new technologies and channels, We at Design Wolf Studio have made 3D way of working a top priority.
The retail and fashion industry is known for its resistance to change but some insiders recognize how far behind the industry is lagging when it comes to 3D. Spatial Computing and by extension 3D are changing the way that we interact with the world. around us in as big a way as mobile phones changed our world 15 years ago.