Pantone Webinar Countdown
00Days 00Hours Pantone Spring Summer 23Webinar24th June 2:30 pm
00Days 00Hours Pantone Spring Summer 23Webinar24th June 2:30 pm
In the Digital Age Does the Physical World Of Fashion Still Matter? “Many people couldn’t bear to part with physical fashion. Clothes, they say, are to be touched and felt. If that’s no longer possible, what’s the point of doing fashion at all? Also, physical clothes have real value —They can be traded, resold, or …
What is 3D World of Fashion? 3D is at the heart of so many of the technological advancements happening today in the world of Fashion Architecture and design. Think of 3D as one of the highest orders tool for Innovation. 3D modeling like in Auto industry is adapting fast in Fashion and Architecture now you …
What is 2D World of Fashion? It won’t be over stretching to say that the 2D world of fashion is the heart and soul where fashion originates. One of the best weapons from any graphic designer’s arsenal, 2D in form of Surface Prints, Illustrations and graphics is what we define at the Design Wolf, as …
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